IATA Ground Handling Project

At the NCBFAA's Annual Conference in Summerlin, NV, there was a panel discussing the past and future of aviation.

Warren Jones, the head of Cargo Network Services, IATA's United States arm, mentioned that IATA was planning to create global standards for ground handlers, a group which air freight forwarders, truckers, Customs brokers and airlines alike would love to see deliver continuity of service.  While the talk was in the early stages, more details about its goals and potential rollout have firmed up.  Below is excerpted from Brendan Sullivan of IATA in a recent email on the subject:

Cargo handling is performed at thousands of airports all over the world by hundreds of handlers, big and small. This poses a high potential risk for deviations in quality and consistency of handling.

IATA's Cargo Operations Advisory Group (COAG) comprised of airlines and ground handlers developed a list of capabilities against which a cargo facility could be measure. The purpose of this matrix is to enhance cargo handling capabilities to a consistently high standard while identifying possible non-compliance on critical areas such as safety or security.

The areas of activity that were initially considered were as follows:

1.            Safety, ensures undeclared dangerous goods are screened for
2.            Security, ensuring all regulations are complied with
3.            Special Cargo (Pharmaceuticals, Live Animals, Perishables, Express), ensuring the most vulnerable cargo is properly cared for
4.            ULDs, ensuring safe handling of these expensive assets
5.            Messaging, recognizing the value of data
6.            Mail, ensuring the postal operations are handled effectively
7.            General Cargo Principles (acceptance, etc.)

COAG has completed their development and anticipates Cargo Committee endorsement. The next steps will be to propose an validation model to assess and validate the current capabilities of cargo handling facilities against existing standards, identifying best "best in class" and increasing the capabilities in the industry through adoption of best practices.

To avoid over burdening the industry with audits, the validation model will seek to consider integrating into existing audits such as the IATA ISAGO or ACC3 audits.

Reporting jointly to the IATA Cargo Committee and the Ground Handling Council, the Cargo Operations Advisory Group (COAG) has been established to bring together members from airlines and ground handling agents to develop best-practice processes and procedures to address all aspect of cargo acceptance and handling.

The COAG aims to work on the review, improvement and development of cargo operations processes and procedures for incorporation into the IATA Airport Handling Manual (AHM) and IATA Ground Operations Manual (IGOM). The objective being to develop operations processes that can be adopted by airlines and ground handling agents and that will ultimately lead to a greater degree of standardization and harmonization for cargo acceptance and handling.

The next steps for the project are to have the Cargo Service Conference (e.g. airlines) review and provide input, then ASA and IGHC (e.g. ground handlers). Following that along with some trials COAG will be able to propose a way forward (validation model).

President’s Letter – May, 2014.

Greetings, everyone.

It finally looks like Spring has arrived in Chicago, and none too soon.  Last week according to a local meteorologist, Chicago saw three and a half total hours of sunshine during the work week.  It certainly explains my funk.

Things continue to progress with your Association.  We are proud to announce that we are nearly ninety members strong (including both companies and individuals).  As a board, we realize that people are willing to take their time and dollars to be members because of value that they feel they receive.  We are continually working to deliver that and are exploring benefits or savings with vendors who provide service to the air cargo community and we will proudly share those when they are finalized.

We want to offer you more benefits and savings than you pay in dues.  These benefits can be educational opportunities, savings on training, services or products for your business or any combination of the two.  We want to make it a no-brainer that membership in IACAC rewards you and your companies many times over.

Change in luncheon pricing starting in September.

Thank you to everyone who attends our luncheons.  As we focus on finding guest speakers that you want to hear from (last month with Linda Dreiffen from American, this month with Frank Grimaldi, Jr. from the City's Department of Aviation), our attendance is on the rise.  We experience a lot of walk-in traffic on the day of the event which can wreak havoc if we don't have enough food ordered or a large enough space to accommodate everyone.

Beginning with our September luncheon, pricing will change in two ways.

  • We are introducing member and non-member pricing.  Members will continue to pay $25.00, non-member pricing will increase by $5.00 to $30.00.  The best part is that if you join IACAC at the luncheon, you will be eligible to receive the member pricing.
  • With the new website, we have the opportunity to process payments and take RSVP's online.  You will now have two payment options; pay in advance by credit card, or pay at the door with cash, check or credit card as you have in the past ($2 surcharge for day-of credit card payments).
  • If you do not RSVP online in advance of the event, members and non-members alike will pay $30.00.  Out of respect to the venue and for the courtesy of your fellow guests, we need to have a count.

Next month's luncheon - Networking Event - June 10th.

It has been a long time since we just had an opportunity for individuals to connect, so plan to speed-date with your industry peers at a networking luncheon.  We'll explore doing something simpler with the food so folks don't feel tied to a table, but we want airlines, truckers, warehouse operators, service providers all to connect with each other.

Golf Outing - August 12th - Calling all golfers and sponsors.

We are very excited that Jim Wilbrandt of Basic Enterprise is the Chair of our Golf Committee for this year's event.  He has a lot of exciting things planned, and we're looking for sponsors who have a chance to be in front of the group of air cargo professionals in the Chicago area.  2014 IACA Golf Outing Banner

Sponsorship opportunities exist for:

  • Holes
  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • Refreshments
  • Carts

If you are interested, contact Jim by email at jim@basicent.com.

President’s Letter, April, 2014

Let me start off by welcoming our new members this month.  March was an exciting month for IACAC. Our March Madness event was a success (check out the gallery here) and I also want to thank everyone that attended.  Special thanks as well to our co-sponsors the Young Freight Forwarders of America for having a great turnout. We also recruited a new member at the event.

Another great event was our luncheon this month. We had Linda Dreiffin from American Airlines speak about the merger and how it will affect the forwarding community.  She also educated us on the new birds they will be flying and their capacity. We were also able to meet the entire sales team for ORD for both AA and US Airways.  I want to thank Linda and her entire group for participating and interacting with our members and making it a great experience.  We are currently working together with AA to possibly start tours of their facility to show new and current members what goes on behind the scenes.

I’m looking forward to getting the air cargo community more involved with all industry professionals and I do want to also take a moment and thank all the airlines that attended this event. We had over seven airlines in attendance including Singapore Airlines and IAG Cargo to name a few. Thank you so much to all the other airlines that attended as well. We as an organization are very grateful and hope to have your continued support in future events.

We will be having a luncheon in May. The speaker will be announced shortly. I hope to see everyone there.

Bridges of Poplar CreekMark your calendars for our annual golf outing which will be held August 12th at Bridges of Poplar Creek in Hoffmann Estates.  There will be an 08:00 shotgun start. Please make sure you register and sponsor a hole. We are looking forward to a record turnout.  Reach out to Jim Wilbrandt if you have any questions.  You will be able to register via our new site, which Position: Global has been doing a great job maintaining.

I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the next luncheon and hope to see many of you register early for the golf outing. Thank you for your support of IACAC and helping to continue to grow our membership and bringing back the voices of the airlines.

Join IACAC and YFFA for our March Madness Networking Event

Who doesn't love a little college basketball? Behind the Superbowl, it's the second most heavily-wagered on event.  And this one has all the elements of randomness that makes it so excited. How does it usually turn out? The college hoops junkies watch their brackets get blown up by upsets and somebody who knows nothing about the sport winds up taking home the trophy.

Whether you're a bracketologist or not, we want you to join us the evening of March 20th from 6 - 9 PM for an event that we are co-sponsoring with the Young Freight Forwarders of America (YFFA).  It's at the Wyndham Gardens at 2550 Landmeier Rd. in Elk Grove Village.  We're providing the appetizers and it's a cash bar.

Click here to register.

Mingle and meet your fellow freight forwarders, warehouse operators, airline reps, truckers and make some new friends and business connections.

This event is in lieu of our monthly luncheon which will be on April 8th.  Watch this space because starting in April, we're going to allow people to register and pay on line in advance of arrival at the event.  Not that we don't like seeing you all and swiping your card through our Square dongle, but you'll now be able to pay in advance.

And if you're not a member of IACAC, join now for the low rate of $50 for individual memberships and $100 for a Corporate membership for up to two members.

President’s Letter, March, 2014

Hello IACAC membership,

Thank you to our existing members from 2013 who renewed their membership this year and welcome to our new members. As many people have learned over these first two months of 2014, IACAC is making changes in an attempt to alter the direction the organization was heading and return to our roots as an Association serving the needs of the air cargo community.

What we have done thus far is premiered a more interactive and current web site. The board selected Mr. Scott Case of Position : Global in January to create and maintain the new site. We launched the site at our February luncheon and have received nothing but positive feedback from the membership. If you had not had a chance to view the new site, please do so at www.iacac.com. We also welcome any feedback.

During our last luncheon, it was brought to our attention by the membership that some people were not happy with the discontinuing of The Pallet. I did want to clarify to why this was done. The Pallet was supposed to be a publication that dealt with timely information relevant to our industry and issues.  Over time and due to lack of focus on what was important to IACAC and its members, it became more of a cluster of advertising that wasn’t specifically about our industry's issues. What we have done after much consideration is to bring back The Pallet, but with more timely information and a narrowed scope. The Pallet will also include a monthly President’s letter which is also posted here on the site keeping the membership apprised of what the board has been discussing as well as any new changes that have been made.

My goal this year as President of IACAC is to bring back the core values and principles that this organization was founded on and increase membership and support from local airlines.  I’m looking forward to seeing new and old faces at our upcoming events. Our next event will be March Madness on March 20th at the Wyndham Garden Inn, 2550 Landmeier Rd., Elk Grove Village.  You can RSVP on our Facebook page.  I look forward to seeing each and every one of you there.